Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Be Intentional and Be Open

I have had many conversations in the past week that have all centered on the theme of intentionality. I find those times when the same thing keeps presenting itself to you is one of the reasons why I named my company Synchronicity. I also find there is a need to pay attention during those times.

Two conversations stand out the most the first was with my dear friend and mentor Andrea Chilcote. She is currently writing a book about "living an intentional life". Andrea has taught me about the significance of putting our intentions out there and being intentional in every moment. I have really taken the latter point to heart.

I also had an awesome conversation over a long over due lunch with my dear friend Nancy Pridal (one of the neatest people I know). Our conversation was more about how we open ourselves to what the world needs from us or is asking of us and how that is often "in synch" with the intentions we put out there.

Here's the Synchronicity part...I put my intentions out there that I wanted projects that make impact and make me feel like I am making a positive difference. When just putting my intentions out there didn't seem to do the trick, I changed my focus to what is the world calling for me to do. And that's when it happened...

I have the coolest new project with a new client, Promise Partners, associated with America's Promise. It's not my typical work at all and yet it is. I am using my facilitative and platform presenting skills but instead of working within an organization I am working with my beloved community of Council Bluffs. My job is to grow a movement (I told you it was cool!) in CB that engages businesses, organizations, schools and the public in growing assets in our young people. I can go on and on about this (and I will in later posts).

So what I am interested in hearing from you is...have you had Synchronicity moments like these?

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