Friday, October 23, 2009

I Drank the Google Koolaid

Yup, I did it...I bailed on Outlook and Explorer and moved to Google Apps instead and I am loving every minute of it. It all started when I upgraded to the Palm Pre (I'm loving it too). Here are my top 10 reasons why I am so excited:

  1. The Pre and Google synch automatically, no cables, no trying to remember if my phone is current. It's magic!
  2. Google is very accommodating to us making the transition. I was able to move my data easily.
  3. I have access from anywhere there is an internet connection.
  4. Gmail keeps running conversations--so much easier than managing multiple separate emails.
  5. No synching Outlook between desktop and laptop.
  6. I can still send my email via my beinsynch and Cox email addresses.
  7. My Google Calendar is very colorful. :)
  8. Attachments are easier to work with
  9. I can keep my gmail, calendar, docs, and blog all open.
  10. Chrome moves faster than Explorer and right now my ancient computer needs all the help it can get.
I know in the coming days I will discover many more reasons. Thanks Google!

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