Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Seeing the world we describe

I shared my favorite quote with my colleagues today at our Omaha ODN meeting. The quote is by Joseph Jaworski who wrote Synchronicity the Inner Path of Leadership in which he says, "We do not describe the world we see, we see the world we describe." The context of our conversation at ODN was employee "re-engagement" and the role of OD professionals. I shared this quote because I believe that how we (leaders in organizations) describe the state of the organization, the focus of the organization and the future of the organization is key to how our employees see the organization.

This ties well with the appreciative approach in that in every organization at every moment something is working well. We, as leaders, need to discover that and celebrate that and grow that which is working well.

So on that note...please share with me what is working well in your organization at this moment.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Drank the Google Koolaid

Yup, I did it...I bailed on Outlook and Explorer and moved to Google Apps instead and I am loving every minute of it. It all started when I upgraded to the Palm Pre (I'm loving it too). Here are my top 10 reasons why I am so excited:

  1. The Pre and Google synch automatically, no cables, no trying to remember if my phone is current. It's magic!
  2. Google is very accommodating to us making the transition. I was able to move my data easily.
  3. I have access from anywhere there is an internet connection.
  4. Gmail keeps running conversations--so much easier than managing multiple separate emails.
  5. No synching Outlook between desktop and laptop.
  6. I can still send my email via my beinsynch and Cox email addresses.
  7. My Google Calendar is very colorful. :)
  8. Attachments are easier to work with
  9. I can keep my gmail, calendar, docs, and blog all open.
  10. Chrome moves faster than Explorer and right now my ancient computer needs all the help it can get.
I know in the coming days I will discover many more reasons. Thanks Google!